“Teamwork Racing” – a unique competition utilizing office chairs as the racing vehicles for the first time in Vietnam officially took place on September 7, 2019. The competition drew attention from the community due to its novel format and high level of teamwork. With the aim of providing not just entertainment but also promoting health and fostering team spirit among office workers, Teamwork Racing provided a platform for both.
Despite being the inaugural event, the competition attracted participation from 10 major entities operating in various fields in Ho Chi Minh City. The prizes for this competition were high-quality office chair sets awarded to the winning teams, but more importantly, the spirit of teamwork lingered within each team beyond the competition.
The event was lively and energized, stirring up the atmosphere in Phu My Hung, District 7, with enthusiastic cheering from spectators. O’FURNI plans to organize more such competitions in the future to spread the message of maintaining office workers’ health.
Let’s revisit the fun and unique moments of the 2019 race.